These are and can be used on Class A and Class B fires. Typically, they are used for extinguishing fire that arise from liquid sources, like petrol and diesel. In terms of use, they are much better than water jet extinguishers, because foam extinguishers can also be used on solids
APW stands for “air-pressurized water.” APWs are large, silver extinguishers which are filled about two-thirds of the way with ordinary tap water, then pressurized with normal air. In essence, an APW is just a giant squirt gun
Dry Chemical Extinguishers come in a variety of types. You may see them labeled
Wet chemical fire extinguishers are one of the less well-known extinguisher types. We explain all in our simple guide.
Carbon Dioxide extinguishers are filled with non-flammable carbon dioxide gas under extreme pressure. You can recognize a CO2 extinguisher